Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jonas Kaufmann changes in phone booth

Ah! Arte has pulled the video. Damn! Here is an intro to his Decca Album. Enjoy:

Can you fathom it? We have ourselves a new hero!

Hopefully this link will work for a long time. This concert was a super human act. I truly believe he is unsurpassed at present time. I feel like going outside in a damn blizzard and running 10 miles, then eating 2 steaks (I couldn't possibly manage more) and bathing in the fountain of youth before practicing for 10'000 hours straight (this seems more realistic). Makes you wanna work really hard. Or at least it does me.
My boyfriend expressed his worries about J. Kaufmann, hoping that if we ever sang together, I wouldn't fall in love with him. Now, just imagining for a second I would have the great honor and chance: of course I would! But probably in the way Leontyne Price talks about her love for v. Karajan... Music is a dimension one can live in without needing physicality. That's what's so drugging about it. Am I wrong?

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